Pressing Reset Book

Pressing Reset Book
This book is a culmination of three series that our Lead Pastor, Carl, took Life Church through over a period of more than two years. Prepare, Stand and Engage. However, more than being a collection of sermons, the book includes what was happening in the background and behind the scenes personally for Carl & Ange and the team, as well as some additional content. The book is intended to help people recentre and rebuild their faith according to God's pattern and priorities. If you're new to Life Church, this book will help you to understand some of the principles that guide us as a church.
Here is the back cover text that explains the book along with endorsements from people who have already read it:
How can you be sure your faith is established on the right things? In changing and uncertain times, Pressing Reset is a journey of rebuilding on strong foundations and keeping Jesus at the centre. This book is written to encourage healthy personal, family and church realignment.
"Each chapter of this book brings us back to God's original pattern for His church. My prayer is that as you read this book, you will be readjusted and repositioned to get on board with God's now word for the church. A timely word at the right time."
Danny Guglielmucci (Founder of Edge Church International)
"There is great wisdom in these pages, real humility and vulnerability, which is what makes Carl and Angela such great leaders. I highly commend this book as one that will deepen your faith and inspire you to trust Jesus more as you grow in your discipleship."
Dave MacGregor (National Director, Vineyard Churches of Aotearoa New Zealand)
"I know you will be challenged and inspired as you read Pressing Reset. Take your time over each chapter to ponder, meditate, and allow the Holy Spirit access to your heart and mind, to prepare you for your next steps in your life-long faith journey."
Paul Bennetts (Life Church Founding Pastor)