It is our heart that you would find a place to belong here. No matter your background, culture or stage of life - you are welcome to be part of the Life Church family as we value being a multicultural and intergenerational church.
We believe that for people to thrive in their faith, they need connection with others in community. Some of the key ways to ensure this happens is to serve alongside others, join a Life Group and engage with one of our many programmes aimed at teaching and training for personal growth.
We have a strong desire not just to build the local church (which is essential) but to reach out beyond the four walls and bring change and blessing to our community, city, nation and the nations. We would love for you to be part of that, and we look forward to meeting you at one of our Sunday services.
Carl & Angela Crocker
Lead Pastors
What We Believe

What we believe
Knowing God.
Loving People.
Changing Lives.
We are a church that seeks to KNOW GOD through prayer, praise and the reading of God’s Word – worshipping him through the use of our time, finances, talents and spiritual gifts with the desire to see His Kingdom grow. We LOVE PEOPLE, all people, and express that love practically as much as spiritually, with each person effectively representing Jesus wherever they ‘do life’. It is our desire that we see LIVES CHANGED through the establishment and development of an intimate relationship with Christ and in turn each believer will be equipped to live a life that will serve as a witness to our generation.
Life Church
Governance Structure
Flow Chart
Board of Trustees
Composition: 4 – 7 Trustees (currently 5) including 1 x Lead Pastor and 1 x Staff Representative
Role: Governance, strategic oversight, legal compliance, financial oversight, health and safety, staff remuneration (with input from the Salary Review Committee), and ratification of annual budget amongst other duties.
Appointment: New board members recommended by the Senior Leadership Team from within the congregation and appointed by the board. A good balance of skills and expertise on the board is a key component of the board's composition.
Church Advisors
Composition: 2 – 4 Church Advisors
Role: Act as external auditors on issues of church health/function as well as Lead Pastor health/function and to report praise or concern to the Board or Senior Leadership team as needed.
Appointment: Church Advisors are appointed according to key skill sets; for example, Apostolic, Prophetic, Church Leadership, Theological abilities etc. Recommended by the Senior Leadership Team and appointed by the board.
Senior Leadership Team
Composition: Associate and Lead Pastors and Executive Staff of Life Church (currently 7 members).
Role: Spiritual and pastoral oversight of the church. Function as elders of the church – dedicated to the preaching and teaching of the word. Work alongside other staff and volunteers to deliver both in-church and community activities.
Other mechanisms that help to ensure church and staff health
Regular ‘Warrant of Fitness’ checks by qualified external counselling service for our staff’s mental wellbeing
Staff sent on regular prayer retreat days for their spiritual wellbeing
Use of mentors and supervisors for accountability and to guard against burn out for individual staff
Sabbatical system in place for pastoral staff
Ongoing professional development
Annual Financial Reports publicly available via the Charities Register website
Gather Point
New to church? Gather Point is a 4 step pathway designed to help you become part of the family here.