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Local mission


Life Church partners with various initiatives and organisations to help be a blessing to our local community.


24-7 Youth Work

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Breakfast Club

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After School Programme


Red Frogs


Life Mentoring


We really value having an inter-generational church - a church where one generation cheers on and encourages the next. We are excited to offer Life Mentoring which will help in this space of growing and developing people as they move through life. However, mentoring doesn't necessarily mean an older generation helps a younger generation - it could just mean that someone with more experience or skills in an area helps someone newer on that same journey. 

A mentor is someone who has walked a journey and is prepared to share their insights/learning with another person as they walk their own journey. The areas we offer mentors in are:

Faith or Discipleship Journey 
Working through the Pathway book together, discussing areas of doubt, confusion, learning how to discover and develop spiritual gifts etc.

Parenting, marriage, family relationships, how to work through conflict, gain, regain or maintain trust, communication, a sounding board for parenting decisions etc.

Leadership, management, work boundaries, risk, managing success/failure etc.

Financial discipleship, budgeting, future planning, debt management etc.
If you are interested in being mentoring, or becoming a mentor yourself, fill out the appropriate form and our team will be in touch.